698 - 960 MHz & 1710 - 3800 MHz, 11dBi
The XPOL-2-5G is Poynting's third generation of this very popular Cross Polarized (XPOL), cellular band, 2x2 MIMO antenna. The antenna enclosure effectively looks the same as the second generation but has been completely redesigned on the inside. We have used advanced metamaterial technology, making use of Artificial Magnetic Conductors (AMC) and new registered/patent pending radiator configuration, which is proving to yield exceptional improvements in bandwidth and gain. Radiation patterns of this antenna are exceptionally well controlled, further adding to the performance of the antenna.
The XPOL-2-5G antenna includes the newer 3400 - 3800 MHz bands, which were not previously covered by our V2 and is suitable for 2G, 3G, 4G & 5G. This antenna performs exceptionally well in the following frequency bands: 698 - 960MHz, 1700 - 2170MHz, 2300 - 2700MHz & 3400 - 3800MHz. In addition to the new bands, the gain in the 1700MHz and 2.7GHz is around 3dB higher than the older model over the same frequency bands! Our antenna already outperformed most competitors over these bands, so this substantial improvement in gain shows the benefits of the new advanced materials and novel radiator design.
SKU: A-XPOL-0002-V3-01
Coax Cable Type: Twin HDF-195
Coax Cable Length: 5.00m
Connector Type: SMA (m)
Color: White